Ways for corporations to volunteer and support Misericordia

Misericordia welcomes corporations and businesses to our campus throughout the year to volunteer with the residents in their work opportunity programs as well as in our bakery during the holiday season.  Corporations are welcomed to come for the duration of the day, which includes a short presentation and tour followed by working with the residents in their work areas throughout campus. 

Grab an apron and help with Candy Days!

The most common way to help is with our Candy Day event held the last Friday and Saturday of April. Over 8,000 volunteers come together for 2 days and collect donations on the streets, at businesses, store fronts and on-line throughout the Chicagoland  area. Individual donors are acknowledged with packets of Jelly Belly candy donated by our corporate partner, Jelly Belly Candy Company. Over one million packets are passed out during the event.

Huen Electric


Huen Electric is not only a long time corporate partner of Misericordia, but supports Candy Days by having its employees  work a major intersection in Westchester on the Friday of Candy Days.

Wilton Brands


Through an employee and parent of a child at Misericordia, Wilton Brands collects at a major intersection in Woodridge.


For years, Exelon has been a corporate partner of Misericordia. They host corporate meetings on site at Misericordia and have been honored at a number of our events. This past year, Exelon had a major collection effort at their Oak Brook offices with a substantial number of employees participating.

Corboy and Demetrio

For many years they have collected at a corner in The Loop as well as gaining employee participation.

Culver's Restaurant

Culver’s puts collection cans in 20 of their local locations for the month of April and encourages patrons to make contributions.

There are so many ways Corporations can assist in Candy Days.

Please contact us for more information:

  • Providing volunteers during working hours 
  • Encouraging employees to volunteer 
  • Sponsoring a collection at corporate offices
  • Providing pro bono goods and services in support of Candy Days

Please contact Volunteer Office for more information at [email protected] or (773) 273-4161