Vocational Readiness
Vocational Readiness: Misericordia has Vocational Readiness programs to assist participants with gaining work skills, attitudes, and behaviors to assist with personal growth towards future employment opportunities. Everyone develops their employment readiness at their own pace, and the Vocational Readiness programs give participants the opportunity to explore future employment interests.
Kitchen Services: Participants of the Kitchen Skills program support the functions of lunch service in the program. Participants deliver mealtime materials, such as individual utensils, adaptive appliances, and serving utensils. Participants also collect these same materials, and assist with cleaning and sanitizing everything in the program’s industrial scullery.
Vocation Exploration: Participants of Vocation Exploration learn about the characteristics and essential functions of innumerable employment opportunities in the community. Rather than repetitively learning about any singular work opportunity, participants rotate through a variety of employment interests. Participants learn about the job, typical compensation, requirements, and expectations of the job, and practice essential functions persons in that job perform as a part of their duties. Vocation Exploration can provide meaningful insight into the type of work participants may want to pursue in the community.
Office Skills: Participants of Office Skills are engaged in a variety of learning opportunities to help prepare individuals for competitive employment. Skills typically found in office settings are one focus, such as collating documents, filing, and stapling. Participants also work with hand packaging.