The Rosemary Home on campus is a fully accessible house for children with both physical and intellectual challenges. Some also have health challenges. The children go out to their home communities for schooling and summer camp, and participate in school events such as field trips,proms, and sports events with their peers. After school, on weekends, and holidays, Rosemary residents participate in campus activities including music, art, spirituality, wellness, physical fitness, therapeutic swimming, physical therapy, pet therapy, and a variety of resident-selected field trips. Movies, museums, zoos, shopping malls, restaurants, sports events, the beach, and American Girl Place are among their favorites. The home has wheelchair accessible vans available for community excursions.Rosemary Home is connected to Connelly Home, an accessible home for adults. The two houses share adapted equipment as well as some recreational activities including holiday parties and barbeques. Another component of life at Rosemary Home is the involvement of student volunteer visitors from local high schools and colleges such as New Trier and Loyola. These peer groups do many recreational activities, serve as role models, and offer support to our young residents. Although the home has a few single rooms, most residents have a roommate. Rooms are all largeenough to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. Bathrooms feature roll-in showers as well as therapeutic bathtubs. All staff are trained specifically for lifting and transferring. Many residents use other equipment including prone standers, therapeutic bicycles, and communication devices.