We share the care of your child with you
Misericordia offers a full Continuum of Care which provides unique benefits to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). It enables transition of individuals to appropriate settings and services based on their changing preferences, abilities, needs, age and level of disability. It also maximizes training and employment opportunities and addresses the growing need for services as they age and allows us to serve medically complex individuals with IDD.
Misericordia philosophy is that we do not take your child from you but we share in the care of your child and see this as a shared responsibility. This includes regular home visits, medical appointments, and attending various meetings. Families are also expected to be involved with Misericordia. There is a Family Association and several fund raisers to offset the deficit. When your child joins the Misericordia family, you also become part of the Misericordia family. Misericordia is able to offer high quality care and programs for individuals because of the level of commitment we receive from parents, families, guardians and friends.
Misericordia has several residential areas serving adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. We have programs for individuals who are ambulatory and non-ambulatory and who function from a profound to moderate level of mental retardation. We also have an apartment building located on campus as well as 10 group homes in the surrounding community for those who are fairly independent. The McAuley Residence is a skilled nursing residence for children and young adults. The individuals must be non-ambulatory and have skilled nursing needs. We do not admit individuals who have a dual diagnosis (mental illness in addition to developmental disabilities), who have behavioral issues that may cause harm to themselves or others, nor do we admit individuals with intense medical needs to areas other than McAuley Residence.
Individuals admitted must be from the State of Illinois and preferably live in the Chicago Metropolitan area and suburbs. The Illinois Department of Health and Family Services (HFS) and Social Security provide funding for all of our programs. All children at the McAuley Residence attend a community school, which is arranged by the home school district. All adults participate in Misericordia vocational programs, employment services, and day programs. Some adults have jobs in the community or on our campus.
Individuals applying for admission are considered "on-file" only. Before an individual is placed on the waiting list, he or she would be interviewed with the family and generally have an overnight observation in one of our residential areas. Arrangements for observations are based on the availability of a bed. After the observation, a determination is made as to acceptance to the waiting list.
For further information and to receive an application for Misericordia, please call 773-973-6300 and ask for a representative from the Social Service Department.